Selling a House to Take a New Job

Selling a house

Selling a House to Take a New Job

Of all the reasons we might have, selling a house to take a new job is one of the happiest and best reasons of all. When the future holds the promise of more pay and more satisfaction in your career, getting your home sold is just a task that needs to be completed before moving.

But the reality of finding a buyer, packing up everything you own and closing a sale transaction can be overwhelming. Each phase of the process is typically time-consuming and exhausting. Finding a buyer can take far more time than packing up all your belongings!

Real estate agents are generally optimistic, but they won’t promise you a quick closing. Even if you got a great offer and accepted it the first day your home went on the market, buyer financing approval and title work will most likely take at least a month or more. In other words, going through the normal channels to sell your home is not an overnight process.

But finding your ideal buyer can be the most time-consuming part of it all.

Professional Home Buyers

Many people don’t realize there are real estate investors who buy and sell houses every day. It’s like buying and selling stocks and bonds on the stock market, only in tangible property. Naturally, investors in both are in the business to make a profit. They are not collecting stocks and bonds for any other reason than selling for more money than they paid.

Real estate investors in single family homes do the same thing – sell for more than they pay for a property. Calling a professional home buyer, a real estate investor who purchases houses and resells them to make a profit is like calling a stockbroker to sell securities, although houses are a tangible investment and financial investments are intangible.

Professional home buyers are unique in that they usually purchase houses for their own inventory. That’s different than a stockbroker trading your stocks and bonds on the market on your behalf. In this way the two types of investors are unique. But the bottom line is the same. A professional home buyer can help you liquidate an asset and so can a stockbroker. That’s how they can help you get cash from your investments.

Put Your Home Sale on Speed Dial Today

If you find yourself needing to sell a house to take a new job in a hurry, call We Pay Fast. We are professional home buyers who buy and sell houses every day.  Call  (405) 521-1807 or email us at    to speak to a professional real estate investor today.